Academic work experience:
2023-now - assistant professor at the Department of Economic Sociology and Public Issues, Faculty of Sociology, University of Warsaw, Poland
2023-now - research associate at the Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven, Belgium
2020–2023 - teaching substitute and post-doctoral researcher at the ERC-funded grant Researching Precariousness across the Paid/Unpaid Work Continuum, Centre for Sociological Research, KU Leuven, Belgium
2018-2020 - assistant professor at Department of Philosophy of Law and State, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Poland
10/2013-2/2018 - Ph.D. student (Law), University of Warsaw; Thesis: Legal policy towards employment regulations in Poland. Economic crisis and destandarisation of employment relations
10/2012-09/2014 - M.A. (French and European commercial law), University of Poitiers
10/2009-05/2014 - M.A. (History), University of Warsaw
10/2008-06/2013 - M.A. summa cum laude (Law), University of Warsaw
10/2007-09/2010 - B.A., summa cum laude (History), University of Warsaw
Individual grants and funding received:
06/2016-2/2020 - PRELUDIUM grant from the National Science Centre (44,322 PLN); for a project: Labour law policy after the economic crisis in Poland. Labour market segmentation and labour law violations (PRELUDIUM 10th edition)
06/2016-08/2018 - grant for individual research from the University of Warsaw Faculty of Law and Administration (5,500 PLN); for a project: Labour law and historical institutionalism
06/2015-05/2016 - grant for individual research from the University of Warsaw Faculty of Law and Administration (5,000 PLN); for a project: Factors behind the growth of civil law contracts as employment contracts in Poland
01/2015-03/2015 - visiting grant at the Onati International Institute for Sociology of Law, Spain; topic: Economic crisis and labour law in systems theory perspective
Research participations:
03/2020-09/2023 - postdoc in ERC Advanced grant Researching Precariousness across the Paid/Unpaid Work Continuum (principal investigator – prof. Valeria Pulignano)
03/2019-05/2019 - co-investigator in project Correlated legal and health problems and integration of medical and legal services (Microgrant in cooperation with Warsaw Medical University; principal investigator – Jan Winczorek PhD and prof. Aleksandra Czerw; 10,000 PLN = ca. 2500 EUR)
03/2017-2/2020 - co-investigator in project Barriers of access to law in small and medium enterprises in Poland (OPUS 11th edition grant; funded by National Science Centre; principal investigator – Jan Winczorek PhD; 644.309 PLN = ca. 150.000 EUR)
06/2016-2/2020 - co-investigator in project Legal policy against the professional self-governments. Towards a model of reflexive law making (OPUS 10th edition grant; funded by National Science Centre; principal investigator – Paweł Skuczyński PhD; 262.980 PLN = ca. 61.000 EUR)
06/2015-05/2016 - principal investigator in project Factors behind the growth of civil law contracts as employment contracts in Poland (funded by Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw)
02/2015-11/2015 - participant in Kalecki Foundation project analyzing the labour and financial markets regulations in Poland (“Capital in Poland in the XXIst century”), funded by the National Bank of Poland
10/2014-02/2016 - coordinator in project regarding applicability of the Anti-Discrimination Act in Poland and communication between courts and NGOs (THEMIS Judges Association and Institute for Law and Society - INPRIS), funded from EEA grants (c.a. 40,000 EUR)
06/2014-08/2014 - researcher in project on the communication between the judges and attorneys (Komunikacja w sądach po reformie kpc; principal investigator – Jan Winczorek PhD); research commissioned by the National Chamber of Legal Advisors; gathering empirical data
03/2012-01/2014 - member of a team under Prof. Andrzej Kojder preparing a first Polish textbook of the sociology of law Socjologia prawa: główne problemy i postacie (Sociology of Law. Key Issues and Persons, Warsaw 2014, 593 p.); concept work, selecting material, translations
01/2012-10/2013 - participant in project Warszawska Szkoła Historii Idei i jej znaczenie w humanistyce polskiej (Warsaw School of History of Ideas and its significance for Polish Humanities); organization of a conference and various other events; project coordinated by Prof. Andrzej Gniazdowski and financed from the National Programme for the Development of Humanities
2009-2010 - interviewer in project Inicjatywa Razem 89 regarding everyday experiences of people with the post-communist transition
Visiting schemes, fellowships:
2020-now - research fellow at the Central European Labour Studies Institute.
09/2019-12/2019 - Grigor Gradev Scholarship at the European Trade Union Institute, Bruxelles, Belgium
09/2016-now - fellow researcher at Centre for Legal Education and Social Theory at the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wroclaw, Poland
01/2015-03/2015; 03/2016 - visiting scholar at the Onati International Institute for Sociology of Law, Spain
Teaching experience:
sociology of labour, employment & industrial relations, political economy:
Fieldwork courses on the platform economy - platform economy in service sector and platform economy in logistics, University of Warsaw 2023/2024, 2024/2025
Political economy and comparative industrial relations in Europe (replacement teacher), KU Leuven 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023
Social dialogue in Poland and Europe, University of Warsaw 2022/2023, 2023/2024, 2024/2025
Work in the digital age, University of Warsaw 2023/2024, 2024/2025
sociology of technology, STS:
Technology and society - contemporary regulatory challenges, University of Warsaw 2023/2024, 2024/2025
IT in public policies (replacement teacher), University of Warsaw 2022/2023
legal studies, social justice, sociology of law:
September 2024 - Summer School in Human Rights, Sustainability and Social Justice, University of Warsaw
Sociology of law, University of Warsaw 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017
Trainings received:
March 2021 - Process Tracing Methods at the European Consortium for Political Research (by Derek Beach)
March 2021 - Introduction to Nvivo at the European Consortium for Political Research (by Marie-Hélène Paré)
January 2020 - Biographic-Narrative Interpretive Method (BNIM) (by Tom Wengraf and Prue Chamberlayne)
August 2015 - Fermo Summer School on Sociology of Law
Reviewer experience:
Foreign languages:
Polish – native
English – bilingual proficiency (C2)
French – fluent (C1/C2)
German – good (Goethe-Zertifikat B2 passed in 2013)
Additional skills:
MS Office
Other work experience:
2021-2023 - expert at the European Commission's OMC group on the status and working conditions of artists and cultural and creative professionals
2014-now - member of the Kalecki Foundation, economic and social policy think-tank
2013-2018 - Ph.D. student and lecturer (Law), University of Warsaw, Poland
2012-2013 - paralegal at Eversheds and Gide Loyrette Nouel law firms, Warsaw, Poland