Some of my papers are available at ResearchGate, GoogleScholar, and,
List of publications:
Pulignano, V., Muszyński, K., & Tapia, M. (2024). Variations of Freelancers “Effort-Bargain” Experiences in Platform Work: The Role of Skills. ILR Review, 00197939241268165.
Muszynski, K., Pulignano, V. (2024) Platform economy, self-employment and quality of work: an assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic. In Conen, W., Reuter, E. (eds.) Research Handbook on Self-Employment and Public Policy, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 421-438.
Muszyński, K. (2024). Anti-discrimination Legislation and Protection of Working Conditions of the Self-employed. European Labour Law Journal 15(2), 393-398.
Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V., Domecka, M., Potter, J., Halabisky, D. (2023) Entrepreneurial opportunities and working conditions of self-employed online freelancers in the platform economy: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Papers No. 45
Mangan, D., Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V. (2023) The platform discount: Addressing unpaid work as a structural feature of labour platforms. European Labour Law Journal 14(4): 541–569
Winczorek, J., & Muszyński, K. (2023). Small and Medium Enterprises, Law and Business: Uncertainty and Justice. Routledge.
Pulignano, V., Mara, C., Franke, L. M., & Muszyński, K. (2023). Informality of employment in digital domestic care platforms: a study on the individualization of risk and unpaid labour in mature market contexts. Transfer-European Review of Labour and Research, 29(3).
Muszyński, K., Skuczyński, P. (2023). Constitutional Drift - Exploring the Deeper Roots of Polish Constitutional Crisis, iCourts Working Paper Series, no. 328
Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V., Mara, Claudia (2022) Product markets and working conditions on international and regional food delivery platforms: a study in Poland and Italy, European Journal of Industrial Relations 28(3): 295-316.
Winczorek, J., Muszyński, K. (2022) The access to justice gap and the rule of law crisis in Poland. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 42(1): 5-42
Muszyński, K., Pulignano, V., Domecka, M., & Mrozowicki, A. (2022). Coping with precarity during COVID‐19: A study of platform work in Poland. International Labour Review 161(3). [paper in French] [paper in Spanish]
Pulignano, V., Piasna, A., Domecka, M., Muszyński, K., Vermeerbergen, L. (2021) Does it pay to work? Unpaid labour in the platform economy. ETUI Policy Brief. Brussels
Pulignano, V., Domecka, M., Muszyński, K., Vermeerbergen, L., & Riemann, M. L. (2021). Creative Labour in the Era of Covid-19: The Case of Freelancers. ETUI Working Paper. Brussels
Muszyński, K., Skuczyński, P. (2020) Rozwój i kryzys konstytucji społecznej. Przypadek samorządów zawodowych. Warszawa: CH Beck [book]
Muszyński, K. (2020). Reform and oversight mechanisms are not enough. Access to justice for workers and employment standards in Central Eastern European countries. ETUI Working Papers. Brussels.
Muszyński, K. (2020). Liberalizaton Without Major Reforms: The Destandarization of Employment Relations in Central Eastern European Countries. In: Wratny J., Ludera-Ruszel A. (eds.) New Forms of Employment. Prekarisierung und soziale Entkopplung – transdisziplinäre Studien. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Muszyński, K., Skuczyński, P. (2020) Changing Legal and Social Role of Professional Self-Governments During Systemic Transformation in Poland, Krytyka Prawa 12(1): 149-173.
Muszyński, K. (2019). Normalisation of “junk contracts”. Public policies towards civil law employment in Poland, Problemy Polityki Społecznej 46(3): 11-28
Muszyński, K. (2019) Polityka regulacji zatrudnienia w Polsce. Kryzys ekonomiczny a destandaryzacja stosunków pracy, Warsaw: Scholar, 346 pp. [book]
Winczorek, J., Muszyński, K. (2019). Access to justice in small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland. An empirical report, Warsaw: Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw.
Muszyński, K. (2019). Formalne regulacje zatrudnienia a perspektywa różnorodności kapitalizmu, Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 81 (3): 71-85
Muszyński, K. (2019). The emergence of unintended fit and the theory of gradual institutional change: a case study of Polish employment regulations and post-crisis public policies, Zarządzanie Publiczne/Public Governance 47: 33-47
Muszyński, K. (2018). Labour law violations as innovations in Central Eastern European countries, Przegląd Socjologiczny 67(3): 9-34.
Muszyński, K. (2016). Factors behind the growth of civil law contracts as employment contracts in Poland – a study of labour law violations, Prakseologia 158: 323-359
Muszyński, K. (2016). Czynniki sterujące antykryzysową polityką prawa pracy w Polsce w latach 2009-2013. Profilaktyka społeczna i resocjalizacja 29: 99-126.
Muszyński, K. (2015). Can Human Rights be More Than a Burden in the Post-crisis Recovery? A Review of Economic and Social Rights After the Financial Crisis, edited by Aoife Nolan, Cambridge University Press 2014. Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej 10(1): 110-116.